A tragic incident unfolded at Myoung Barracks in Yaba, Lagos, on Friday morning when a vehicle driven by suspected intoxicated individuals crashed into a group of soldiers conducting their routine physical training. The shocking accident has left several soldiers feared dead, while many others sustained severe injuries.
Eyewitness reports suggest that the vehicle, carrying three occupants, lost control and veered into the exercising soldiers at the Army Sports Camp. The impact was devastating, leaving the scene covered in blood and causing widespread panic within the Nigerian Army community in Yaba and Ojuelegba.
Following the crash, one of the vehicle’s occupants fled the scene, while two others were apprehended by onlookers. Witnesses claim the enraged crowd vandalized the vehicle, suspecting the men to be “Yahoo Boys” (internet fraudsters). The injured soldiers were rushed to a nearby Army Hospital for urgent medical attention.
Confirming the incident, Lt.-Col. Olabisi Ayeni, the Nigerian Army’s spokesperson in Lagos, acknowledged the accident but refrained from providing further details at the time. “It is true there was an accident this morning, but I will provide details later,” he said.
The tragedy has sparked concerns over reckless driving and road safety enforcement in military zones. Many are calling for stricter security measures to prevent such devastating incidents in the future.