The average fare per trip for bus journeys in the city increased by 0.86% from N967.76 in April 2024 to N976.08 in May 2024. This information is based on the recently released Transport Fare Watch for May 2024 by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).
The NBS report also highlighted that the average fare paid by commuters per trip for city buses increased significantly on a year-on-year basis, by 50.26% from N649.59 in May 2023,” the NBS report read in part.
“The average fare paid by commuters for bus travel within the city increased by 0.86% from N967.76 in April 2024 to N976.08 in May 2024, a year-on-year increase of N50 and N649, a 26% increase.” He will be 59 in May 2023,” the NBS report said.

Furthermore, the Transport Fare Watch for May 2024 found that the average fare per trip for city bus trips was highest in the South-South and South-West geopolitical zones of the country at N994.17.
This was followed by the North-East zone with an average fare of N980.33 while the South-East zone recorded the lowest average fare at N928.00.
“Analysing city bus fares by zone in May 2024, the South-South and South-West had the highest fare at N994.17, followed by the North-East at N980.33 while the South-East recorded the lowest fare at N928.00,” the NBS report states in part.

NBS Transport Fare Watch takes a detailed look at the average fares paid by commuters for intercity bus journeys in May 2024, state by state, revealing stark variations across the country.
Commuters in Taraba State paid the highest fares, averaging N1,455 per trip, in May 2024. Ondo State followed with an average fare of 1,220 Naira, with Imo State close behind at 1,200 Naira per trip. Lagos and Jigawa states also reported relatively high fares at an average of N1,150 per trip.
Conversely, the report identified states where commuters paid the lowest city bus fares in May 2024. Abia State had the lowest average fare of N510 per trip, followed by Adamawa at N600 per trip and Sokoto at N650 per trip.
Moreover, Kano State had the fourth cheapest average fare, with commuters paying an average of N830, closely followed by Ebonyi State with an average fare of N835 per trip.