Actor and filmmaker Ibrahim Chatta recently opened up about his challenging early years, revealing that he worked as a bus conductor for eight years before finding success in the entertainment industry. In an emotional interview with Biola Bayo on her “Talk to B” podcast, Chatta reflected on the struggles he faced while trying to make ends meet.
Chatta recounted how he lived in a cramped room with nine other people, which made his daily life extremely difficult. Despite the challenges, he was determined to build a better future for himself. He shared how he used to walk long distances from Agege to Ikeja in search of work, a testament to his perseverance and dedication.
The actor also spoke about his eight years spent working as a bus conductor, describing his journey from one bus station to another, moving through areas like Iyan Oba, Oshodi, and Eko. His story highlights the hardships he endured while working tirelessly to survive.
Despite the hardships of his early years, Chatta expressed deep gratitude for his journey, acknowledging the hard work and sacrifices that have led him to where he is today. He also prayed that God would crown his efforts, recognizing the challenges he overcame to achieve his dreams.