A tragic fire incident occurred on Friday in Kano State, where a 67-year-old man, Muhammad Uba, and his 52-year-old wife, Fatima Muhammad, lost their lives. The fire broke out at their residence in Rangaza (Inken) Layin AU, Ungogo Local Government Area, during the early hours of the morning.
The state Fire Service received an emergency call at around 1:45 AM and dispatched a team to the scene, arriving just minutes later. Despite the prompt response, the fire had already engulfed the ground floor of the couple’s two-room house. Upon arrival, the fire crew found the couple unconscious, with burns on some parts of their bodies. They were later confirmed dead by medical personnel.
The authorities have initiated an investigation into the cause of the fire. The bodies of the victims were handed over to the ward head, Muhammad Auwalu Rayyanu, for further arrangements.
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